Tarot of the Fallen I: The Fallen

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Kristen Fae
2 min readSep 2, 2024


I started creating Song of the Fallen characters by coloring and editing outlines available in Canva a few months ago, and after making three or so, I decided they would look good as tarot style cards, giving birth to this series… This is the first character I created: Amhrosine.

Amhrosine was a Star (goddess) best known for the fact that unlike her siblings, she possessed talents from both of the High Stars. In addition to being capable of complex creation like Roedanya, even Pharos relied on her clear foresight.

Her title in the tarot series is a reference to her tragic fate, in which a Noor named Orlaith, who was infatuated with her, corrupted her light and turned her into the demonic host of the Tenebrum known as Amhelle.

Her pale skin and the red roses surrounding her indicate that Amhrosine took after her father greatly in appearance, but her personality more closely resembled her mother’s. Against the wishes of the Asterim, she defied the edict of the First Dawn and went to Earth to guide the lost humans and fae warring there, which earned her the title “The Bright Faith” before her fall.

Read more from the Song of the Fallen universe!



Kristen Fae

Part-time author. Full-time faerie wrapped in a mortal coil but not faking the whole "human" thing very well.