Photo by Andrea Tummons on Unsplash || recommended listening: The Change

Of Gods and Gardens: “Endless Reaching” Behind-the-Scenes

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Let’s talk about the messy marriage between the two most powerful beings in the Song of the Fallen universe!

Once, a wealth of light had warmed the space between them. Now Ahri Blue saw only a chasm of cold, broken bodies and the condemnations carved on their vulture-picked bones.

from Endless Reaching

A Brief(ish) History

Once upon a time, there were two sources of light set adrift, only emptiness around them. One light was bold and vibrant, and matter came to into being everywhere it touched. The other light, hesitant and steady, set the first light’s creations into motion. Two halves of an ancient and lonely god, together they discovered they were capable of creating miracles.

These lights are widely regarded as the first gods and the highest beings in the universe: Pharos, High Star of the Metaphysical, and Roedanya, High Star of the Physical.

Long before any of the world we recognize was created or the Asterism existed, Roedanya and Pharos pledged themselves to each other, both in recognition of their duty to a universe they’d only just…



Kristen Fae

Part-time author. Full-time faerie wrapped in a mortal coil but not faking the whole "human" thing very well.