Woman with mousy brown hair in a messy bun facing away. She has pink scales and four pink horns and wears a green shirt. Semi-transparent pink flowers decorate the banner’s background, and pink petals fall in the foreground. Thhe banner reads: Nearly Noor.
a Song of the Fallen story by co-authors Kristen Fae and Suii


Nearly Noor

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Contrary to what you might expect of a leading figure in a religious cult, Eve could truthfully claim no belief in divine providence. So when she discovered that her brother had named her student’s library as his own, she had no words of thanks to offer any god, real or imagined. Indeed, she did not even hold the machinations of fickle fate in high regard. The clockwork device that had brought her brother closer to her was the arbitrary wheel of dumb luck, for even the most accursed wretch must be dealt fortune at least once.

But though luck had placed the estranged siblings on a collision course, it proffered no advice on how Eve was to go about bridging the chasm their father had built between them. Once upon a time, they had loved each other dearly and shared a language none other spoke, despite the vast differences that marked them. Perhaps if they still knew that language… but Eve had left it to wither and eventually die inside of her as she fought battles she’d never sought.

In the end she was too much a coward to speak to him immediately — too ashamed of her utter failure to dare open herself to lovely hope. Were it not for those hard-pressing instincts urging her ever to darken his doorstep, she may have even allowed them both what scant peace they could each find by…



Kristen Fae

Part-time author. Full-time faerie wrapped in a mortal coil but not faking the whole "human" thing very well.