Kristen Fae

Kristen Fae

Reading list

18 stories

Kristen Fae

Kristen Fae

Song of the Fallen

10 stories

Banner with a red background and three interchanging triangles colored yellow, blue, and green. Green, yellow, and blue markers sit in the upper right corner. The outline of a dragonfly sits left of the middle of the page. The banner reads: Thirteenth Dragonfly.
Outline of a woman with curly hair. A large, dark red circle colors her lips, neck, and part of her hair, while the outline of two circles (army green and gold) are layered behind the woman as well. In a geometric font, the banner reads: Fight or Fight
Kristen Fae

Kristen Fae

Short Stories

25 stories

Kristen Fae

Kristen Fae


28 stories

Kristen Fae

Kristen Fae


23 stories

Kristen Fae

Kristen Fae

Charlie and the Crow

3 stories

The banner shows the silhouette of two graves atop foggy hills. A full, yellow moon hangs in the background, and a crow flies overhead in a lavender sky. The banner reads: Thrice Warned.
Kristen Fae

Kristen Fae


Part-time author. Full-time faerie wrapped in a mortal coil but not faking the whole "human" thing very well.