Outline of a woman with curly hair. A large, dark red circle colors her lips, neck, and part of her hair, while the outline of two circles (army green and gold) are layered behind the woman as well. In a geometric font, the banner reads: Fight or Fight
recommended listening: Jump The Gun || a Song of the Fallen story by co-authors Kristen Fae and Suii


Fight or Fight

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It’s funny — the way nervous can grow on you. In you.

It crops up innocuously enough at first when you’re peeking down from the branches of a tree you shouldn’t have climbed or you’re sneaking out of the academy past curfew. Nervous is only an echo then, the fingers around your throat spectral. You spend a moment on panic; you pause; you push through it.

Then suddenly you’re staring down a demon, and you know with this certainty (the kind you can feel in the surest pit of your stomach) that you’re well and truly, absolutely, royally fucked.

I guess most people would listen to nervous in that situation — turn and run for the hills. Me?

Well, I’m Maudiere.



Kristen Fae

Part-time author. Full-time faerie wrapped in a mortal coil but not faking the whole "human" thing very well.